Motto of Atomy

Cherish the Spirit. Create the Vision.
Follow the Faith. Serve in Humility.

Cherish the Spirit A human being, made in the image of God, cannot be a means to do something under any circumstances,
but is the most precious existence of all.
A human being is the end goal, never the means to an end, and must be valued as such.
Create the Vision The most certain way of predicting the future is to plan the future ourselves.
We must focus our thoughts to bring about the planned future.
Follow the Faith. We think that true belief is believing in something you cannot see,
and not what you can actually see.
Belief in an invisible vision is the power guiding our hands to make the right future.
Serve in Humility Our thoughts should reach to the sky, but our feet should remain on the ground.
If we remain humble, even after we’ve achieved everything, unanimous respect from others,
on top of honorable achievement, can be ours.

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